Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Accumalating Junk

Give a man a room, he will soon fill it up with stuff which he didnt know he needed, worse still give it to a woman and she will suddenly feel the need to have 1 more room to fill.

Long long ago we used to have only 2mb storage capacity on hotmail, and everything was good, every once in a while I used to clean up my inbox to have only those emails I needed for reference, all in all I maintained my account under the 2mb limit. Then came google and hotmail soon made available ever increasing storage (i always wanted to know, when they say ever increasing storage, is there some guy in the server room connecting a new hard drive or storage server every day :)), since then I rarely delete emails, nope not a single one, the one line email saying "call me at 9pm" from 3 years ago is occupying space in this ever increasing storage. Here is a simple case of space having created junk. I know I will never ever want to read this email again, but the finger doesnt move that inch to access the delete button, is it my natural curiosity to test the ever increasing storage capacity or laziness or the feeling of let it be, its causing me no harm, its free, who cares.

I shudder to think, how many bits of useless information is thus lying around, and when will it ever be cleaned up, or rather what might cause it to be cleaned up. I might never delete it, hotmail wont (i take that back, one day, long ago, all my emails were wiped out by hotmail due to a server glitch), or perhaps, after I die, many years later, when my account becomes dormant (meanwhile it would still be filling up with all the junk emails) everything will get deleted. If not, then the adarsh junk is going to live forever, my name, my seed, my ideas might all pass away, but my junk will remain for ever.
If you think about it, its not just the message, its all the information around it that is stored too, who sent it, from where, which ip address, at what time, which browser, how did it get transmitted da da da dada, the simple line "call me at 9" has generated 100 times its weight in junk.

I think its the same with other stuff in our lives, right now, I see so many things around me I dont need, but they just exist, taking up space all around me, and I dont need them, will anything change if I throw them out, why do I keep them there, why the attachment, is it comforting to see all that stuff i can say is mine, is it for others to see that I have them. I remember moving houses, I used to move many boxes from one house to another, and they remained untouched untill the next move, crazy, never read them, never used them, never thought about them, but they sure did occupy a lot of space.

Why stop at physical things, there are so many other stuff we store in our memory, stuff we store in our heart, which are of absolutely no use, perhaps the purpose of old stuff is to perclude us from getting new stuff, unless ofcourse we increase the size of the room, its funny how that corelates, we usuall start with sharing a room with our sibling, then we might get our own room, and then a small apartment for rent, then we buy our own huge home, then we get pushed into a small room as we grow older and end up in a coffin or a cask, from dust to dust, but in between there was a lot of stuff.


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