Thursday, October 14, 2004


I am troubled by dreams, I say troubled because I dont think I am sleeping well because of them. Say I sleep at 12 and wake up at 7 expecting 7 hours sleep, but dream for 1-2 hrs then I am just sleeping 5-6 hrs. I thought it would be useful to blog my dreams to chronicle my dreams. Sometimes I go through complete stories, I wish I could remember them for sometimes I wake up with the complete story except the climax. Sometimes its a thriller, if I had written a story for every interesting dream I had, I would have a book by now.
what are dreams, they might be the subconscious extensions of us, maybe not, because I am just an observer in many of my dreams. Are they fantasies, again when I am not even inolved in my dreams where does fantasy come into play. sometimes there are huge battles, epics, sometimes they are murder mysteries or dramas.
I was readin somewhere that there are many kinds of sleep, and its actually healthy to dream, I need to do some more research on that.

Dreams are still an enigma to me


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