Wednesday, January 19, 2005

The Whole, the Part, Human Disease and Universal Law

Yesterday on the elliptical machine I was theorizing on the human body, basically all the human body is, is a combination of various organic compounds, essentially boiling them to different hydrocarbons. Isnt it strange how all those molecules forming our parts come together to create emotions such as hope, hate, anger, love, pain etc. Hydrogen doesnt know what pain is, Oxygen doesnt know the meaning of love, and carbon has no clue about hate but we do, we who are made up of these three things know and feel it all. well lets not say know, just feel, I dont know what exactly love is but I can feel it for sure. So does it mean some molecule in space, made of hydrogen oxygen and carbon also experiences pain hmm thats another interesting discussion.

I was thinking about the power of a whole, where the whole is worth more, worth is a bad term, we can say the whole is bigger than the sum of the parts, especially where life is concerned. All these atoms coming together to form something that has so much power, isnt this amazing. Well the reason I was thinking about the whole and the part is, we barely understand the whole, and we are trying to heal it (cure our diseases), and how do we go about this, by trial and error, the basest form of research. Treat with this chemical, oh oh it turns blue, ok lets try this now its red but it killed that cell so it should work, what about that red well its a good side effect, are there other effects, hmm lets give it to 100 people and see what happens hehehhe. (there is a more logical premise to the test, but still essentially its just about shooting in the dark).

Its like turning the wheel of the car, none or rather most of dont know the exact working of a car, but we know within reasonable margin of error how the car will behave when we do something. Margin of error in the sense the car doesnt exactly turn 3.2 degrees for 1.2 degree turn of the steering wheel everytime, but we adjust, there are other things hapenning inside we have no control over and we dont care, just take me the damn to the restaurant. Similarly when we take medicines we only know with reasonalbe doubt that we will react in a certain way, based on limited testing (what ever is the control group, every person is a different environment). Hence medical progress has been so slow.

What we need is to understand is how the parts are interacting, then we can design medicine for each person, presently we are thinking about genes and how they are the fulcrum of the human body, but inside those genes we are back to combinations of hydrogen carbon and oxygen, shoudnt we be understanding how they behave. Instead of predicting how a gene will behave, if we knew how carbon oxygen and hydrogen will behave we can treat anything by running a simulation of introucing a foreign virus.

What I am getting at is a simulation, a simulation of a human body, the parts of a human body. In this way we can introduce a poisen, see how it reacts, introduce some antibody and see how that cures, that would be the perfect way to come up with a medicine. We just need to build this simulation.

To build this human body simulation we need to come up witht the basic reaction, or the need to reaction for any chemical atom, carbon is not happy that it decides to bond with 3 hydrogen and an hydroxly is not angry to jon with something else. It is a deterministic element, so we need to come up with the rules, the rules of reaction, at a lower level and voila we can describe the human. We can cure anything, by understanding its orgin, rather than dealing with it at a level we dont know, what exactly is hapenning.

People are scared of people because they dont understand why people do things, once they can think from someone elses perspective, they know why they do things, the are no longer afraid, its ok now. Similarly with chemicals, once we understand why chemicals react the way they do we need not worry about them we can live with them.

This brought me to another hypothesis, there must be a simple, extremly simple, rather single rule that defines interaction between two bodies, is that at the level of molecules, atoms, electrons, quarks or jaguars we need to draw the line and figure that out, then we will have the supreme understanding of humans. There must be an universal law...........

No How deep do we go, thats another interesting question. Many many years ago we thought hey if he is human we can say what will happen if I give him a virus, then we said no no if I had his blood group I can predict it, Then it came down to different organs, now we are saying if we knew his genes, what if we can break that down to the molecular level, then atoms, then quarks, jaguars ...... it goes on, at what point do we say if we knew all the enteties at this level we are set. Rather set with a resonable level of doubt, remember it takes 80% of effort to desribe the last 20% of the system i.e. to compelte the system

I Digress as usual, I went from wondering at how the parts come together to form a whole bigger than the sum of the parts, to wondering how to cure diseases to understanding human being and a universal law to describe everything and the level of that law well what can i say another thoughtful workout on the elliptical machine


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