Wednesday, May 02, 2012

The RIGHT To Education act is bull shit

The RTE is so stupid, the government needs to be kicked for coming up with such a ridiculous proposal.

That government assumes that all the private schools are running 25% empty, so we are essentially filling up those schools with poor kids who cannot afford to go there, nothing could be farther from that assumption, all schools are running full, there is a wait list to get into them and they in fact pick and choose whom to give admissions to. How are they going to accomodate 25 poor students? either by increasing capacity or by refusing admission to 25 other kids. Now if they are going to lose out on revenue from 25% of the free students they will increase the fees for the other 75%, so the kids who are going to get pushed out will be the middle class kids who will no longer be able to afford those schools. Hence as usual, the working middle class gets the shaft in preference to the rich and poor people. Where is the justice in this?

The government also assumes that, just sending these poor kids to school will be sufficient, they will get an awesome education, learn, compete and prosper. What about school uniforms, books, trips for which money needs to be paid, project requirements, internet access, where will the money come for all of that, remember the parents are already poor. This is just setting up those students for an inferiority complex and going ahead and rubbing it in their faces. What about all the support kids receive from their parents be it explaining questions, helping with homework, projects etc, will the poor parents be able to provide an effective schooling infrastructure outside school.

The government also assumes that it is very easy for the private schools to increase their capacity, we already have a shortage of teachers and teaching is not an attractive career, how will schools add capacity without compromising quality.

What happens now to all the government schools, has the government accepted that it cannot provide quality education to everyone, what about the cruel decision to only send some kids to the private schools, what about the other kids, dont they deserve a quality education, I dont even want to get into who decides which kids go to which schools, what are the logistics etc.

I am with the government though that the private schools, which charge an arm and a leg need to be more socially responsible, but how that should happen needs more though process than just ramming poor students down their throat.

What should the government be doing, 

Increase the number of government schools
Make teaching in government schools an attractive proposition, perhaps give tax breaks for people who teach, increase basic salaries
Standardize the education system, the tests and syllabus throughout the country

The government is stupid. They have no clue whatsoever and are just playing with the country's future.


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