Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Playing Injured

I have played injured, in the sense I was hurt and in pain, but I played on be it for a league game, intramural sports or sometimes just for fun. Somehow when I step onto the field or the court, I forget everything, its just me inching towards perfection. I believe in my heart more than my body or my mind. My heart says play and I play, irrespective of how my body is, I have played with a fever of 101, I have played with a near broken hand, with only one hand paralyzed, sprained ankles, torn acls, torn meniscus, sore arms legs and everything. I have paid the price many a time but many times I have come out feeling estatic, either way I play on.

This brings me to the case of proffesional athletes, should they be allowed to play injured. From the players point of view its a personal decision, will they listen to their mind,their body or will they listen to their heart, everybody is different. But from the teams perspective, I believe that if the player can be replaced, even remotely, they are better off doing it, its not fair on the other teamates and the fans to put an injured player in the lineup. You can always tell me, what if the player is a michael jordon would you still sit them. It gets tough there, forget the whole re-injury thing, the question is will he hurt the team. He is not 100% he will be a step slower than a normal person, he is a weakness you are carrying. In pure emotion yes he will supply the team with ammo, but in the normal plays he will be a drag on the team. he will make one big play atleast, or rather in the big plays he will be a big factor playing with the pumped up adrenalin, but for the normal moving of the chains he will not be there. He could even be a distraction but also provide the adrenalin for the team.
When you put pressure, some people focus, some people fold, what type of person is he. The player has a duty to show up, give his best and let it be upto the coach and the team to either play him or replace him. Thats my final word, He has to show up, and let the play and the team make the decision.
Why do I play injured, because I am a masochist hahaha no no, because it makes me the underdog right away and then I can play with nothing to lose hmmm maybe, but more important it makes me forget my injury, because I love playing, because I feel alive. What ever happened in the day, in the night, at work, at sleep, I foget everything, that time on the court is just me, me playing marshalling all I have into a goal set by me for me of me.
I feel alive when I am playing. There is something about a team, something about winning, the smell of victory, the feeling after a good bowl, a good smash a good hit a good shot. There is something about the sweat dripping from my hair to the back of my neck as I complete the point.
Sports are the greatest activity invented by mankind, if you havent played, you havent lived. Its not about trying to dunk better than jordan or serve better than becker its how well you can play in your limitations. The same factors hold for everybody, the scales are different, thats all, its the same pressure, its the same skill, concentration, injury circumstances everything, the scales are different hence I play I play as if there were no tomorrow, I play as if today was the last day of my life, I play.


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