Friday, February 18, 2005

I Understand the guy, pissed off with the world

Some times we hear charlie, this normal guy just flipped out, calm quite guy used to take his dog for a walk, play ball with his children and then he shot 4 people on the highway, bombed a building and jumped off a cliff.

Today I can say I understand that guy. I dont mean I am that guy, dont jump to conclusions, I have a modicum of self restraint hhahah. What I am trying to say is I understand how a normal person could do such an act, or rather how circumstances could drive a person flip out.
Its these small things adding up, one after the other, and suddenly you feel like atlas, the world on our shoulders, and then you shrug, and the world around you topples over. I was having a perfectly normal day, woke up went to work and then suddenly on after another the world started attacking me, mercilessly, (bus,work, doctor, nurse, insurance, airline ticket, friend,credit card,bank) and I was exasperated, truly pissed of with this unfair world. And then I thought about what I would be doing if I was a bit fragile and I smiled, I knew what a guy pissed of with the world would do, rather how simple life could drive him to do soemthing insane. I guess everybody has their limits, the big question is when in life do you just flip, flip flop flap dooble gooble doo dif dam dum katar phish kaboooooooom.

Small things just sneak up one at a time and before we know it, all these emotions build up and we are a pressure cooker boiling over. I have this theory, every thing negative that happens to you, winds you up a little bit, builds a little bit of steam in the pressure cooker thats you, the guy who cut across you on the street, the expletive someone used on you, the boss said something, insurance said they wont cover something you need bad, doctor said you are screwed, we know what they are. The steam starts building up and hopefully the pressure weight lets you get the steam out slowly, but if the safety valve is also hurt then there is an explosion. I feel the urge sometimes, if i had an axe i would hack up a tree, they say some offices they have punching bags for people to get their agression out, its actually good to get your agression out once in a while, the more steam you bottle up the bigger the explosion will be some day. Everytime someboy says or does something that pisses you off, do soemthing to get it out, ever been through the relief after punching the boxing bag for 5 mins, I love it, I actually feel emotionally drained sometimes. coaches always get their athletes pumped up by showing them that the world is looking own on then, they need to earn respect, somebody said something about the team etc etc, yes agresion does build up and if you can channelize it, good for you, if not the safest thing is to get it out before you hurt somebody or say something you will regret.

Remember when you are in pain and punch the wall and the pain gets transferred to the hand hahah, it does come back doesnt it, that was one of the first lessons I learnt growing up, also crying once in a while helps, drains out some emotions you can live without, they say emotions are like a bag of bricks, you just have to lay it down istead of carrying them everywhere.
anyhow rant a little, curse that little prick who messed up your hair this week, the big corporation which is taking advantage of you, show them the finger and do something positive with all that anger, dont shoot me.


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