Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Laws of the World

A thought struck me today on the bus, we have all these laws, scientific laws, Newtons laws of motion, gravity equations, relativity, friction, radioactivity ....... When we say Newtons laws of motion, it doesnt mean Newton made those laws, they were always in effect, its only that Newton discovered them. The problem with this sort of discovery is that there is no garuntee that there are'nt any other ways of explainng the same thing i.e. what if there is another law of slipoction nobody knows about to explain friction.

Without questioning the fundamentals of science, I would just like to say that there might be whole theories we missed, or theories that explain things only because other things were a certain way. Say for example something were to change in the universe and f is no longer mass times accelaration, f =ma, what if it became f=3ma, would it change our whole perception of science. Would it invalidate existence as it is.

On the other hand there could exist a world somewhere in space which is completly the opposite of us, where what constitutes life is different (we assume bio chemical bodies are living and metallic robots non living, what if somehwere thats different), all the concepts are different, what if it was anti-earth. That brings up another interesting idea, say there was another earth which started of at the same time as us, evolved the human way (or some other animal became the face de jour) would the race have evolved into soemthing like us, would they have similar ideas on religion, race, caste, god etc would they have similar governments, societies, would they have had a world war 3 by now, or would they have discovered genetics earlier, very interesting. Would there be an adarsh today there hmhmmmmm. So things could be different scientifically and also philosofically, something I wish i can find out.

This could be a great science fiction story, nevertheless, it would be awesome if we could build a simulation of the world and see what would have happened if we tweak certain events or occurances, would the world remain the same if the tsunami hadnt occured, butterfly effect consecuences.

I always digress, my main point is science is not an absolute, it would be interesting as to why f = ma, why didnt it become f = mv or f = 2ma why just ma and maybe f =ma because a = (v-u)/t, we might want to question why the laws are what they are, how they came about and how they could be changed.


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