The Wind Beneath My Wings
Some days I feel this feeling of time rushing by me, as a heavy wind, instead of leaves floating by, there are achievement and events in other peoples lives, the wind is heavy, and I feel helpless, I am neither directing my sails, nor am I fighting it. I feel time pass by me, I feel this desire to do something, achieve something, create soemthing, get a name for myself, be famous. I get ths urge to radically alter my useless existence, I feel the need to achieve the extacy of achievement.
The futility of my present life hits me hard on my face and I pity myself for allowing myself to wallow in the dirt, aim high aim high I tell myself. My fingers tingle, my heart beats faster thinking I will do something impulsively, changing my sails, or spread my wings and fly away fly high and far, soar with the wind beneath my wings. The idea that I could do something great enthuses me, I dont know where to start, there are so many options, I could be a great muscician, I could win the pulitzer, I could create a new revolutionary piece of software, I could I could, I start thinking making plans, So many places to start, I start on one, write a paragraph for my pulitzer book, write a note for my new idea, write aline of code for that amazing software, research on the music software wow I am coasting, and then I dream the adulation that is awaiting, I can feel the claps, the hurrahhs and and .... and then as if that was all I needed, the dream of adulation, the wind calms down, everything calms down and I get back to the normal humdrum of life.
The futility of my present life hits me hard on my face and I pity myself for allowing myself to wallow in the dirt, aim high aim high I tell myself. My fingers tingle, my heart beats faster thinking I will do something impulsively, changing my sails, or spread my wings and fly away fly high and far, soar with the wind beneath my wings. The idea that I could do something great enthuses me, I dont know where to start, there are so many options, I could be a great muscician, I could win the pulitzer, I could create a new revolutionary piece of software, I could I could, I start thinking making plans, So many places to start, I start on one, write a paragraph for my pulitzer book, write a note for my new idea, write aline of code for that amazing software, research on the music software wow I am coasting, and then I dream the adulation that is awaiting, I can feel the claps, the hurrahhs and and .... and then as if that was all I needed, the dream of adulation, the wind calms down, everything calms down and I get back to the normal humdrum of life.