Monday, March 07, 2005

Pissed of with Germany

The Godfather said " Society imposes insults that must be borne, comforted by the knowledge that, in this world there comes a time when the most humble of men, if he keeps his eye open, can take his revenge on the most powerful" I shall bide my time, revenge is a dish that tastes best when cold.

I am flying home to Bangalore from Chicago and booked my flight through Lufthansa. I have to change flights in frankfurt, there in lies the pain, suffering and anger. germany now requires Indians to purchase an airport transit visa to pass through germany. For the 4 hrs in between flights in frankfurt I now have to spend 47$, time, money getting their paper work ready and also take time of work to go and submit my visa papers. There is a german embassy in Chicago, if not I would have to spend more time and money to mail it etc. Think about all the people travelling from India, the old mother traveling to visit her sick pregnant daughter, germany requires her to take a airport transit visa or it will turn her back at frankfurt.

This pisses me of, beware germany you are building negative energy against you. My first angry reaction was if some day some guy was going to harm germany and asked me for lunch, I would say here is lunch and I shall pack you dinner too. Now that is an extreme statement but that was the level of anger that was aroused in me. This treatment of Indians as third grade people hurts me, hurts me very much and tramples over my sentiments for my country. Every time I think about this my blood boils, I clench my fist and have a wave of anger pass through me. Calm down adarsh calm down, I tell myself, we will have our revenge some day.

My first reaction was that I would avoid flying through germany henceforth, it might cost me a bit more money, but its ok, I rather be treated with respect than save money. Wither germany wither. I am mindful of maintaining cleanliness where ever I go, respecting other people etc but in germany, no chance, I paid for that whore and I shall abuse it, well again that's the angry guy speaking, but my calm rationale says I might still do something stupid there so I must keep my anger in check.

Do you ever wonder, why people don't like you or they don't treat you with respect. That's mostly because you make them feel uncomfortable, consciously or unconsciously. Hence they try to avoid you or refuse you the common courtesy or opportunity to clear the air. The feelings always mutual. Same with germany here, I don't have anything against a normal german person, in fact I might even make friends with someone before I know they are german, but once I know that he is from germany, I will not be comfortable with that person. It will be different for people I already know because they would have already made some connection with me (don't fear my old german friends I will still be your friend) but that lingering anger will always come out and that will prevent me from taking normally with any german person. I will always be uncomfortable with germans henceforth.

Some people might point out, that's what the terrorists want, build discontent among people, see they have succeeded, germany is just doing this for security and now you are pissed off. Come on, its not that germany is going to be secure now that they need me to take an airport transit visa, all I submit for a visa is photos, passport and money. I am sure every intelligent terrorist will have a clean passport, some money and two photographs. I am sure those papers I submit are not even going to leave the Chicago german embassy's trash can. Its clearly an exercise in futility. Oh and germany if you think I am trying to immigrate to your country you can take your dachshund sausage and shove it up your royal aryan ass.

This reminds me, when the US mandated finger printing for people coming into the US for Brazil, Brazil retaliated by having the same requirement for US citizens entering Brazil. A frivolous response, but I respect Brazil for that, I hope India does the same, brand every US citizen coming to India (have them wear a chip that tracks them). India should also require every german coming to India to deposit a bond for 10,000 Euros to make sure they leave India. They should also be required to report to a police station every 48 hrs.

I write this to remind me what germany is doing, and hopefully someday something will come out of it.

note: germany was used in lower case all through out this article as a mark of disrespect.

Added Jan 20, 2006
I had a chance to fly back to India again from Chicago, and this time even though the first and second cheapest flight were from Lufthansa and Air India (through frankfurt), I paid the extra money to not fly through germany. I flew Air France and had an enjoyable flight. I know that my decision neither affected the GDP of germany nor the bottom line of Lufthansa but a principle is a principle, they will not profit through me.

Globalization and Labour Markets

The word globalization has always been associated with trade liberalization (goods) and financial liberalization (capital). My contention is that labour should also be included in the definition of globalization. Thus globalization should include goods, capital and labour.

The developed world harps on globalization, even the world bank touts in as the panacea for all economic woes, but they conviniently close their border and impose restrictions on labour from other countries, thereby creating one way streets which benefits them at the cost of developing and under developed countries.

This bigotry has to go.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Idea for a Sci-Fi story

We kind of know how humans evolved, now the question in my mind is why only humans evolved, why not lions, or donkeys. Does evolution call it quits on an animal after certain time, in th sense the lion has remained a lion since monkeys became man, why idnt they evolve into something different, why isnt that flux seen in them.

Anyhow back to the story, the story will have man as he is now, and somebody will start to notice tht some other animal say ants or bees or eagles have started evolving into an intelligent species, theya re forming societies, countries, religion, worshiping, building houses, gathering food etc, and mans reaction to that. This would be an interesting theory, mans reaction to another intelligent species not from some other planet but in his abckyard, someone who might challenge his hegemony on the planet. will there be war once they start developing weapons, what if they start developing on an entirely different plane, they have nuclear weapons when we had bows and arrows.........

thought this sounds like science fiction, Its my kind of science fiction, or should I call it bio fiction haha, well it tackes human sociology in the wake of a changing environment, a drastically changing environment. The story should deal less with the actual evolution and more with the effect on man, socially, philosophically, intellectually... woudl he try to interfere, or just study, when th realization dawns on him that its a competing civilization what will he do, the individual and the crowd......

anyhow I would still like to pursue this interesting point as to why species stop evolving as if they have reached a plateau of achievement. According to evolution nobody should stop evolving, as species near extinction they should find other ways to survive, start thinking, start building and storing food etc.... what is some species is and we dont know hmmmm

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Laws of the World

A thought struck me today on the bus, we have all these laws, scientific laws, Newtons laws of motion, gravity equations, relativity, friction, radioactivity ....... When we say Newtons laws of motion, it doesnt mean Newton made those laws, they were always in effect, its only that Newton discovered them. The problem with this sort of discovery is that there is no garuntee that there are'nt any other ways of explainng the same thing i.e. what if there is another law of slipoction nobody knows about to explain friction.

Without questioning the fundamentals of science, I would just like to say that there might be whole theories we missed, or theories that explain things only because other things were a certain way. Say for example something were to change in the universe and f is no longer mass times accelaration, f =ma, what if it became f=3ma, would it change our whole perception of science. Would it invalidate existence as it is.

On the other hand there could exist a world somewhere in space which is completly the opposite of us, where what constitutes life is different (we assume bio chemical bodies are living and metallic robots non living, what if somehwere thats different), all the concepts are different, what if it was anti-earth. That brings up another interesting idea, say there was another earth which started of at the same time as us, evolved the human way (or some other animal became the face de jour) would the race have evolved into soemthing like us, would they have similar ideas on religion, race, caste, god etc would they have similar governments, societies, would they have had a world war 3 by now, or would they have discovered genetics earlier, very interesting. Would there be an adarsh today there hmhmmmmm. So things could be different scientifically and also philosofically, something I wish i can find out.

This could be a great science fiction story, nevertheless, it would be awesome if we could build a simulation of the world and see what would have happened if we tweak certain events or occurances, would the world remain the same if the tsunami hadnt occured, butterfly effect consecuences.

I always digress, my main point is science is not an absolute, it would be interesting as to why f = ma, why didnt it become f = mv or f = 2ma why just ma and maybe f =ma because a = (v-u)/t, we might want to question why the laws are what they are, how they came about and how they could be changed.