International Aid
I saw two reports last week
1) Donor countries pledge $250 million for Somalia
2) Donor countries pledge $5 billion for pakisthan
I checked up the population or the two countries, Somalia's population is 25 million and Pakisthan's is 250 million so if we do the math, the aid equates to 10 million per person in Somalia and 20 million per person in Pakisthan, this doesnt make any sense, I mean, if someone gave everybody 20 million, nobody would have to do any work, nothing, even if the money bears 2% interest they could feed 20 generations without any problem, something doesnt make sense here.
I need to research this aid thing, it definitely sounds fishy.
Yes it is fishy, as my friend pointed out, $250million/25 million is not $10 million, its $10, must have been due to the total loss of the brain cells in quarter 4, section 3 neuron 2. Oh well, must be the alcohol, must be the alcohol.....
That being said, how does international aid work, there must be more than just humanitarian goodwill, are the billions given as international aid actually worth it, does it really benefit the actual people who need it, how much of the aid really effective, what are the hidden strings and are those strings worth the help rendered or taken.
1) Donor countries pledge $250 million for Somalia
2) Donor countries pledge $5 billion for pakisthan
I checked up the population or the two countries, Somalia's population is 25 million and Pakisthan's is 250 million so if we do the math, the aid equates to 10 million per person in Somalia and 20 million per person in Pakisthan, this doesnt make any sense, I mean, if someone gave everybody 20 million, nobody would have to do any work, nothing, even if the money bears 2% interest they could feed 20 generations without any problem, something doesnt make sense here.
I need to research this aid thing, it definitely sounds fishy.
Yes it is fishy, as my friend pointed out, $250million/25 million is not $10 million, its $10, must have been due to the total loss of the brain cells in quarter 4, section 3 neuron 2. Oh well, must be the alcohol, must be the alcohol.....
That being said, how does international aid work, there must be more than just humanitarian goodwill, are the billions given as international aid actually worth it, does it really benefit the actual people who need it, how much of the aid really effective, what are the hidden strings and are those strings worth the help rendered or taken.