Sports I have played
I wanted to make a list of all the sports I have played regularly at some point of time in my life, here is the list, there are not sports I just played one day or one time (like lawn ball :), shuffle board, whirly ball, handball), they are the sports I have played consistently for atleast 6 months or participated in atleast one league of 2-3 months.
volleyball, cricket, shuttle badminton, squash, racquet ball, american football, soccer, softball, kickball, kabaddi, koko, chess, ultimate frisbee, bowling, golf, table tennis, tennis, basketball, swimming, billiards / pool, soulcalibur, age of empire, gold spot
did I play volleyball or did I play volleyball, hours spent on the chicago beaches, indoor courts, indoor sand you name it, if there was a net I played volleyball in Chicago, was part of the bump chumps that won an intermediate league with patick, michelle, meghan, lindsay, greg and julie and jace. played on the longest time any team was together with meghan, jeff, erin, jessa on sunday nights at north avenue indoor sand, used to spend the summers on the beach making friends, playing volleyball with anybody and everybody, even played a little at windy city field house open volleyball, I loved volleyball, I think the first sport I played in chicago was volleyball, the diamond team at oak beach, getting drunk after volleyball games....priceless
did I play volleyball or did I play volleyball, hours spent on the chicago beaches, indoor courts, indoor sand you name it, if there was a net I played volleyball in Chicago, was part of the bump chumps that won an intermediate league with patick, michelle, meghan, lindsay, greg and julie and jace. played on the longest time any team was together with meghan, jeff, erin, jessa on sunday nights at north avenue indoor sand, used to spend the summers on the beach making friends, playing volleyball with anybody and everybody, even played a little at windy city field house open volleyball, I loved volleyball, I think the first sport I played in chicago was volleyball, the diamond team at oak beach, getting drunk after volleyball games....priceless
We played cricket almost everyday for 3 years in engineering, while the rest of the college went home at 4pm we trooped down to the basket ball field in front of the main building and played cricket every day until it got dark or the match ended in a fight :) the matchups and the people playing there were legendary. I think cricket was the bond that made our batch what it is.
also played cricket semi regularly at georgia tech, it was cricket that brought a lot of us together at gatech, playing on the artificial turf was awesome!
regularly played cricket near rishi's house when we were in 11th grade and 12th grade, our idea of summer was playing cricket in 40degree temperature until a fight errupted
cricket on the streets growing up with all the kids of the neighborhood, priceless
shuttle badminton
me, ravi verma and pc used to play badmiton everyday at the wooden floored AU badmiton courts one summer, i think the first year when our exams got postponed by 3 months, we kind of bribed the watchman there to allow us to play everyday and we really got good at it, no not the bribing
Also played badminton semi regularly at national college
Also played badminton semi regularly at national college
played a lot of squash at georgia tech, first sport I picked up in the US. Learning to warm the balls before a game hmmmmm.
racquet ball
was in a racquet ball league in the gym across from 1220 n lasalle apartment
was in a racquet ball league in the gym on diversy, met some really awesome old chaps there who had played racquetball all their lives, they also introduced me to the game of handball where we played racquetball but with our hands, first time i really needed gloves.
played a lot of racquet ball with patrick and michelle at the depaul racquetball courts, all i remember is me and patrick getting beat 2 against one against michelle after she used to finish her 1 hour run.
american football
was in an american football league with jace, rob, meghan, jeanine, julie, greg...... we lost more than we won, but the trainings on thursdays before the game were fun and a lot of drinking did take place after the games, it was the first time i bought spiked shoes
have been playing soccer everyday for the past 4 years at national college grounds, well I think i truly arrived in india after i started playing soccer with the most unforgettable characters only india can provide
was in a bunch of softball leagues in chicago, from the very first one at grand park to ones in north avenue and buck town
I was in a couple of kickball leagues, a lot of spiked hot chocolate was ingested during the games, but I did patent the curve ball and had a great time in the quintessential chicago sport
used to pay kabaddi regularly as a kid when I used to attend RSS shaka at dwarka nagar, I remember being part of a team that won the district title at a RSS meet.
koko was also a very popular sport at dwarka nagar sayam skaka, my RSS shaka
played a lot of chess with my mom as a kid, did take part in a few tournaments at the sub junior level, but then somehow never went further with it, used to play chess regularly with atul in school i would land up everyday at his place at 5 and we played a couple of games everyday for atleast a year after that i have never played chess regularly
ultimate frisbee
Have been playing ultimate frisbee with Disco Dewanee, yeah thats our team, very committed bunch of people, have been to a few tournaments.
used to bowl a lot in between classes at georgia tech, but really took off in the chicago bowling leagues, learnt how to spin the ball and even reached scores of 170+ regularly, the jello shots during the games were a super treat, and the drinking games after were great as well.
used to visit the driving range at diversy, regularly, played some mini golf too, but never graduated from the driving range, I could hit a mean ball though
table tennis
started to play table tennis regularly at my diamond project in san francisco, should credit ben for all the lessons, i did get good at it with a lethal smash, played table tennis with ketan and lance at the diamond office in chicago too, though i was used more as a punching bag
started playing tennis as soon as i moved to india, learnt to play under arjun and sheetal at basvangudi tennis courts, had a great time with rahul, vivek, suhas, gitesh, dc.... dont play any tennis nowadays though I want to
played basket ball in school, was part of the dream team for jupiter house, played a lot of basket ball in the gyms in chicago, really understood how to play basketball there and I think i was super fit when we used to play 3 on 3 winner stays on court.
swim when ever i can, not a sport, but well its my blog i shall write anything i want :)
billiards / pool
started playing pool at georgia tech, and took my skill to the bars of chicago, i was lethal when I was correctly drunk, have won quite a few bar duels to keep the table, my dream is to have a pool table at home
you might not call it a sport but i played this video game untill the sun came up at diamond, we played during lunch, played after dinner, played soulcalibur till the fingers hurt, this game is truly amazing, havent played the subsequent versions though
age of empire
the legendary battles that took place at zach's place, patricks place spanning hours hunched over our laptos with nothing but pizza to subsist are memorable, it got to a stage where i would practice strategies against the computer everynight before I went to sleep
gold spot
if you are from timpany, havent played gold spot then maybe you did not go to school there