What we learnt from Ukraine
1) The United Nations is an useless organization
The UN can only bully small nations with its money and peace keeping forces, it is but a tool of the 5 permanent members of the security council. If the other countries want any say in world politics they should get together and form their own organization where all nations are equal.
2) Countries do what they want
Countries such as USA, China, Russia do what ever they want without any ramifications. Attack Iraq for non existent weapons, no problem, annex Crimea no problem, genocide in Xinjiang absolutely no problem. They are not the leaders the world can depend on, they will always do what is in their best interests, take along countries that are in their best interests and ditch those they that are not.
3) Never give up your weapons, and of course get your own nuclear weapons.
You think Russia would have attacked Ukraine if Ukraine had held on to its nuclear weapons? I am sure Ukraine got something when it gave up its nuclear arsenal, but in the long run that turned out to be a colossal mistake. This is a lesson for every country like North Korea and Iran. Get your nuclear weapons, get them now, you will get your respect.
4) Assurances / Treaties mean nothing
Ukraine signed the The Budapest Memorandum with Russia and USA, assuring them security, non aggression and a promise of help. Absolutely nothing has come off it, Russia actually attacked Ukraine and the best the USA has done is slap a few banks and rich Russians on the wrist. I guess no treaty is safe.
5) Cyber warfare is a valid response.
The internet is truly a level playing field, even a small country can hold a big country ransom if it can figure out a way to cripple that country, hack into its electrical grid, delete its financial data, shut down its airports, stop its traffic, anything that depends on connectivity. Every country, even if it doesn't spend on defence should spend on a cyber army to attack and defend itself. It is cheap it is effective and it is devastating.
6) Do not expect help
Every country needs to understand that when push comes to shove, they will be alone, they will have to fight for themselves. Every other country will prioritise its economy, soldiers and priorities over anything else. There will be talk before an after, but during the crisis prepare to stand alone.